Monday, January 14, 2019
We are surrounded
gag rag throat muffled
rope burn wrists swollen
blind eyes fist blackened
feet heel-stomped and shoeless
nowhere to go or be
broken shallow husks manic
reveling in lethargy eternal
spiraling Andromeda in waiting
supernova Svengali farewell
All our energies swirling like fireworks
in cephalopodic radiance
a dark matter camouflage hiding
any trace or effort otherwise
to any evidence of our ever even caring
that to play hostage
made us weep
while faceless gods played marbles with our worlds.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Siren Interlocutor
When the kettle calls
I have more than one choice
to make
I can let it wail
a while
and ensure that all the bacteria
is destroyed
in the water
so I can sip a tea in peace
or I can let it keep singing
in higher pitches til
the dogs begin to notice
that something’s wrong
and yap their warning barks to
join the alarm in chorus
Or I can sit longer still
and wait
while the whistle crackles
and whines
and the water disappears
and the kettle
burns black and cracks its paint
so it’s no good anymore
and melts down to
a noxious metal blob
atop the stove
and sets off all the smoke alarms
after the whistling stops
so that its kettle call is
sent on from one panicking
cry to another
until the batteries die
and I hear still another siren
from a big red truck
because the whole house is burning down
and then I may begin to allow
my own screams
as flames lick the soles of my
tired feet
But I will almost always err
toward my first instinct
to jump up from my chair
and stare at the steam
a second or two longer
to listen to the water hiss
Monday, November 26, 2018
Immortal Jellyfish
Nobody’s ever the same as
they were a second ago
let alone a month
a year
a decade ago.
All the detritus of
our experience;
all the minutiae of
our ego;
all the bewilderment of
our ability to be
when one time we were
makes us become
something else
all over again,
and we disallow
the chance to be
the chance to be
a true version of
no matter when
we might decide to
try to be.
we might decide to
try to be.
Because the plight of
hinges upon the need to
And to evolve
you need to abandon
in small but significant ways
every little bit of you.
a scattered memory
of who you once
where you went.
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
What difference does it make
Whether a blunting changes
The rubber or the rub?
To wonder:
When two edges soften
Which piece receives
the other?
What happens to the parts
Of a sharpness
Once they are dulled?
To where do the transferred pieces
Which molecules
Are moved
Or in equal measure divvied
From the scuffling
To the craggy
From the summertime tire
To the shoulders of the road;
From the flaking epidermis
To the unseen chairs in the
Dangerous rooms of the world―
Why atoms comprehend
The infallibility
Of their role
And break down
And deform like bubbles
To lesser entities
And eventually pop
Or disappear
To our ever-rubbing eyes?
When rubbing together
(in reverence of the oncoming
of a villainous cosmos;
In reverence of the erosion and evolution
Of everything you’ve ever seen or known)
Is a magical dance
That buffs you away
Erases you
Little by little
To the smallest possible point
Over and over
Until you can be remade
Little by little
In some form or another
Over and over
Double-helixing the
Sender and receiver
Squishing and sharing and gifting the goo
That makes a thing a thing
As I pretend to be
One thing
Instead of the concerted effort
Of trillions of other
One things
Because the wellspring of the dangers
And the wonders equal
Of the whole world
Are contained within the one
Universal truth that:
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Shadowers Excerpt
"Heston came to in an odorless room, the stillness of the dark enveloping every available inch of the spaces his periphery allowed him to observe. His mind was empty, still echoing some nocturnal reverberation from the expanses of the deep sleep he’d managed to rustle himself out from. His cognizance emerged slowly, deliberately, not from his own will, but through the magic revelations of a brain he couldn’t possibly care enough about to try to understand. As the flipclock snapped the two half-oval zeros to a straight lined one, and this new echo of tangible, analog noise disrupted the dawning of the dream state, the sticky cobwebs of Heston’s waking consciousness began to be stripped away, the way a fog evaporates from a cold lake when the sun finally rises to scare it off. His face glistened like a still pond."
Monday, July 16, 2018
Formation and Tyranny
A cloaked brood hums
Crackle toes at fireside
Burn layers of
Oppression, empathy, hunger, poverty
Invent intention
Scrap, remold, resist
Join hands and blink
away the dying embers
of the past
Like the night owl might
protest the smoke
in its eye
and looky loo
with 360 eyes
Stories for a future tribe
are birthed
wet and new and crying
With secret contexts
Like spongy babies in the silent halls
of midnight hospitals
Crying for the want of knowing
what the fuss is all about
New stories etched and
Orated and
To interpret through whichever cultural prism
they want to
And despite the best intentions of
the smoky congregation
The ever-futile demon:
Spoils its own party
by virtue of
Unforeseen vanity
Unknown voids
For within the folds
of the follies
of Interpretation
of Truth
Everything evolves
to war.
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Sit you in darkness, cloaked, hemmed in by the coos of specters rumbling tinny in a tune on a digital wave, be-hooded, bespectacled and behind on chores, slippered and sniffling from summer pollens, sipping honey-lemon tea and sucking in a newfound gut pink with sunburn from the Sandy River sun, Stoneking swamping boogies on jungle adventures, urging you to swing there and to not worry about what tomorrow will bring.
You are not one to take sitting idly mildly, so 'tween pacings of concrete barn floor cold in subduction you stalk the corners with makeshift dusters, cleaning up the cobwebs both literally and figuratively, walking your castle and assessing its majesty in spite of the spiders' takeover every spring, swishing errant cat hair from the rug with the bottoms of your feet to discard of properly because the slightest unsightliness is cause for an explosion of intense private rage.
You are not one to admit openly of your distastes, your irritations in mixed company, your insistences on clear communication, unsullied thoroughfares of synapse-firing, backing-and-forthing, yet you sit in darkness like this, with shades drawn, with washing machine whirring in the foreground of a blues-y afternoon in the twilight of your young man life, whispering confirmations that in spite of your lethargy, you have things that still need doing, puzzles to coax and conquer from the alcoves of some as-yet-unknown landscape, and that you alone must compel these, divination be damned, for your only, only sure-thing is the spit and venom boiling inside you to make you do anything at all, whatsoever, for the rest of your goddamn shitty wonderful fucked-up life.
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We are surrounded gag rag throat muffled rope burn wrists swollen blind eyes fist blackened feet heel-stomped and shoeless ...

(I will be self-publishing some work in the first half of 2010, as I'm becoming exceedingly disillusioned with the publishing wo...
February 21, 2012 (daytime nap): As I slumber on the sofa sleeper, covered by a Mayan blanket, the slow whoosh of the heater kissing ...
It was a chore, it was. Boxing all those doodads, scrubbing all those soap marks off the corner tile in the bathtub, sifting through six-and...