I sense the seeming unpredictability of shadowy villains when purged upon by shimmering doves...
I clench my teeth and seethe at familiar phantoms should cackles trump the catharsis...
I bemoan restless urges when whatever heaven is smirks a mirthful grin...
I entangle wits at will when angels and devils collide...
I marvel at indifference and enact the throes of wist at wishes...
I enable pits of contrast when alone, affable, atrophied from stoic columns of trust...
I notice the slur, cadence, courage, fear, cowardice, peace meal marinade of voices smoky in the cold...
I insist on brooding, lonesome, pathetic Id and selfless admiration for lust and for living...
I blush at bravery, blasphemy, dime-store wisdoms blurted through million-dollar mouths...
I cringe at self-inequities, quivering lips at dawn when truth lunges to expel from every pore...
I burst for beauty and hide the detritus for languishing osmosis and dutiful class...
I bellow meaningless opus for you and shiver at stutters in Squire Room nights...
I love and I loathe and I lather the ebbs with the flows of a humbled heart...
I muse at your mask, shading life from a lithe and supple shield too thin for Earth's encounter...
I search for the will, way, and want to fester the windy gusts of change...
I twinge at the insistence of the steady love and long instead for lust's cruel labor...
I age and crumble at visions of a face that scares me to my core...
I dig into murky depths, damp and dirty, for claims of false reception, in no uncertain terms, but certain of a kind of love...
I sink in crinkled bed sheets, crumpled with clairvoyance for the higher yearn of man...
I endeavor to be true, to aim low when high and high when low, wherever the light of the sun warms me...
I preen my hair and tousle the strands of fate to make tender their unknowing lie...
I sit in a room with relics of a bygone era and dream of the future...
I bask in a glory too heavy with doubt to be glorious at all...
I sift through abstracts and yawn when eccentrics garner all the gold...
I prime the globe for the commoner to even the playing field...
I kill them with kindness until too much blood spurts into my eyes...
I cry and cry and cry for a life too well lived for my grizzled cast...
I shoot the moon and dusty space clogs my windpipes with the wisdom of forever...
I sing into sky for you, and wait, for you, and moan for you to know my moan for you...
I sleep the sleep of the careless man and awake to fever dreams of hope in crooked corners...
I gasp for air when known to those I want to know...
I sweat and tingle with prickly unease when secret names unearth to secret nights...
I miss you when you stray from my orbit to lurk on falling stars...
I own my feelings and belie the standards of the Roman birthright...
I gaze and guzzle in your eyes to see clearer the mysteries of me...
I dip and dive and deliver myself unto your unwitting beauty...
I need more fleeting bravado, more than your smile...
I found you...
I tire...
I finish...